Tersus GNSS vs. Novatel OEM7

April 15, 2022

Tersus GNSS vs. Novatel OEM7: A Supply Chain Software Showdown

If you're in the market for supply chain management (SCM) software, you might have come across two popular options: Tersus GNSS and Novatel OEM7. But which one is better? Fear not: We've done the research and can give you an unbiased comparison of the two.

What is Tersus GNSS?

Tersus GNSS is a Chinese company that specializes in providing high-precision positioning solutions. They offer a range of products, including RTK systems, GNSS modules, and GNSS receivers. Their software platform Tersus GeoCaster allows users to control their GNSS receivers and gather data.

What is Novatel OEM7?

Novatel OEM7 is a Canadian technology company that provides positioning and guidance technology to various industries, including agriculture, defense, and autonomous vehicles. Their software platform, Waypoint, allows users to manage their Novatel OEM7 receivers and process data with ease.

Price Comparison

Pricing can be a significant factor in deciding which software to use. So how do Tersus GNSS and Novatel OEM7 compare in this regard?

Tersus GNSS offers their GNSS modules and receivers for a starting price of around $300. Their RTK systems are priced at around $2,000. Meanwhile, Novatel OEM7 receivers can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000 depending on the model.

In terms of software, Tersus GeoCaster is free and can be downloaded from their website. Novatel Waypoint, on the other hand, is offered on a subscription basis, and the cost varies depending on the application.

Performance Comparison

Both Tersus GNSS and Novatel OEM7 are known for their accuracy and reliability. However, before choosing which one to use, you should consider your needs and requirements.

Tersus GNSS offers high-precision positioning solutions with centimeter-level accuracy. Their products are widely used in surveying, mapping, and precision agriculture.

Novatel OEM7's receivers also offer high-precision positioning with decimeter-level accuracy. Their products are popular in unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) applications, including mapping, surveying, and construction.

Compatibility Comparison

In terms of compatibility, both Tersus GNSS and Novatel OEM7 offer flexible solutions that can be used with various hardware and systems. Novatel OEM7's receivers are compatible with various satellite constellations, including GPS and GLONASS. Tersus GNSS's receivers are also compatible with these systems, as well as BeiDou and Galileo.


After careful consideration, it's challenging to say which software is ultimately superior. Both Tersus GNSS and Novatel OEM7 offer high-precision positioning solutions that are widely used in various industries. Moreover, the competition in the market leads to constant improvements to their technologies.

Ultimately, the choice of which software to use will depend on your specific needs and requirements. And with that, we'll leave you with this pun:

Why did the supply chain manager cross the road?

To get to the other warehouse!


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